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3 - P!nk

Karen Smith

Hello P!nk. Thanks for inviting me round to your house. How are you babe?


Oh, hello Karen. I am fabulous, thank you. How about you babe?

Karen Smith

I am also fabulous, P!nk. What about you babe?


Enough of that, Karen. How about the interview?

Karen Smith

What about it?


When is it starting?

Karen Smith

Oh, um. I don't know. Now?


Okay, that would be great.

Karen Smith


Wait, you meant now?



Karen Smith

Okie dokie! First question; do you like New York?


Yeah, I suppose it's a nice place, I guess?

Karen Smith

Second Question; How do you feel about Adam Lasagne?


I love Lasange but I've never tried any of Adam's.

Karen Smith

Third Question; do you know Far Away From Here?


Do you mean Far From Here? The song on my second album? Yeah, I know it.

Karen Smith

Fourth Question.


Karen. Did you bring your script with you?

Karen Smith

Oops. I forgot!


Would you like mine?

Karen Smith

That would be great P!nk, thanks!

Fourth Question.


Karen. Read the script, babe.

Karen Smith

Oh, okay!

So, P!nk, you released a remix of Shoot You Down with Keisha? Why?


Firstly. I don't know any Keisha. I know a Kesha. She invited me onto her project and I felt the need to do the same for her. However, my album wasn't ready then. So, Shoot You Down was really the only choice. Thankfully, it was appropriate for her too!

Karen Smith

I really do love that song Hunt You Down! Is your album ready now?


Actually, yes, it is! I finished it only in the last two weeks! I don't know yet when it's coming out, but it'll be soon!

Karen Smith

When is Soon?


Karen, I don't know.

Karen Smith

I don't know either, babe.


Next question?

Karen Smith

Yeah! What do you have to ask me?


Karen. I meant your question for me…

Karen Smith

Oh, right, babe!

Have you any other collaborations coming up?


There aren't any collaborations on my album. I did arrange a few collaborations with other artists; some of which are out and some of which aren't yet. I also have a group collaboration coming out at some point this year, but I'm still in the planning for it.

Karen Smith

Who are you working with?


Well, I can't really say too much. But as you know, I've got one collaboration with Kesha coming up, and Rihanna just released her album with my song 'To Be Honest (Drunk)' on it. As for the group collaboration, I can't really say yet. All I know is that we made a great song and I'm sure everyone will think it's delicious!

Karen Smith

Delicious? Isn't that one of New York's friends?


No Karen, it is not.

Karen Smith

Oh. Maybe she’s one of my friends?

Anyway, since you took over from Katy as Billboard Analyst, how have you found your role? How do you feel about the new chart formula?


I love my new role. I think it's great. It can be a lot of work, but I'm up for it, and I don't wanna let Katy down!

As for the chart formula; you know what? I think it's a much-needed change to keep up with the industry. But for me personally, it's hard. I'm not a "quick lil’ single" type of girl like Perrie or Christina; I'm very much a real music, traditional, sort-of chick. So yeah, it's hard to adjust. I'm trying. I really am.

Karen Smith

I didn't understand any of that. Are you going to be at this year's Label Festival?


I'm not 100% sure yet. But I think I'll do a quick set there. I have thought about some ideas of the performance but I'm not entirely sure what songs I'm going to do. I know 3. I'd also like to perform a cover song but I'm not entirely sure of it yet. But I'll definitely be there; just not sure about the performance yet.

Karen Smith

Oh right. Well I think I'm going if I don't get lost again. So, I'll see you there, babe! I have to go now to Christina's house for her interview!


Would you like me to call Xtina for you, so her maids can pick you up?

Karen Smith

Who is Xtina?


Oh… well, Karen, thank you for coming. I actually have to go now, so I'll see you later. Bye babe!

Karen Smith

Bye V!olet!


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