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Billboard Magazine, Vol. 7
INDEX The Billboard Charts: "A Review of 2018" Billboard Update: A New Look Billboard Update: Certifications Billboard Boxscores: Season...
24 - Christina Aguilera
Karen Smith Hello Krusty the Clown, babe. I'm sorry I'm late. I was very confused. Someone told me you were 'Blonde' and I thought that...
Billboard Magazine, Vol. 6
INDEX Christina Aguilera: "My life has changed so much" The Billboard Charts: "Originality" PI Awards: Season 7 Nominees Billboard...
Billboard Magazine, Vol. 5
INDEX The Billboard Charts: '#StanLGPE' Label Update: Atlantic Records Chart Feature: Adam Levine #Madonna #AdamLevine
Billboard Magazine, Vol. 4
INDEX Chart Feature: Taylor Swift The Billboard Charts: 'Gods & Mortals' Rihanna: 'I'm a part of the Wine Squad for a reason' Chart...
23 - Rihanna
Karen Smith Hello Rihanna, babe. I am --- with you. Wait babe... Billboard --- glitch on the line. Are you ok to continue? Rihanna Hello!...
22 - Erika Jayne
Karen Smith Hello Erika, babe. How are you? Erika Jayne Hey sweetie! I am good, how are you? Karen Smith That's amazing babe. I am Karen....
21 - Perrie Edwards
Perrie Edwards Hello Chicago! New York Good evening. Not you. You can choke. What? I'm supposed to be nice to this bitch? Urgh. Okay,...
Billboard Magazine, Vol. 3
INDEX Chart Feature: Mariah Carey The Billboard Charts: 'Glitch. Witch. Bitch' Erika Jayne: 'I Won't Let Drama Slip' Madonna: 'You Mean...
20 - Madonna
Karen Smith Hello Madonna, babe. How are you? Madonna Hello, dear child! I'm well, thank you. My assistant, Lorraine, kindly offered to...
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