UPDATE: The Song Database
Hello #PI Players; both past and present. I've called you here today to announce a new version of our Song Database feature, and how you can contribute to it.
What is the Song Database?
The Song Database is a player-contributed collection that allows users to post information about each song in their discography. This information ranges from things like Song Title, the Songwriters, the Song Length and even a Lyric File field. You will be able to view the Song Database a whole and individual artist tabs using the link above!
How can I add my songs to the Database?
1. Let me know that you wish to add songs to the database. 2. I will PM you and ask for an email address. (Disclaimer: This email will only be seen by myself and Hyun. - if you do not want to give us a personal email address, then feel free to create another one just for this purpose. The dedicated #PI emails for Mastodon will not work for this). 3. I will send you an automated link to your artist's spreadsheet via email. 4. When you update the spreadsheet, the Song Database will be automatically updated! (NOTE: In order to avoid duplicate entries, only add songs where you are the MAIN artist.)
What should I put in under each heading?
The spreadsheet will tell you what to put in each field if you hover over that column's heading. However, for the sake of easy access, a heading and format guide will be posted below:
Song Title For Remixes or Variations of Songs: Add as a new song (ex: Song [Remix])
Artist For multiple artists: Format with a comma (ex: artist 1, artist 2, artist 3)
Album For multiple albums: Format with a comma (ex: Album 1, Album 2)
Season Format: Use the Season where it was first released. (EX: S1 or S3x or S6a) For Prologue: Format as S1 For Xmas Season: Format as S3x
Length Format: hh:mm:ss (ex: 00:04:31 for 4m 31s)
Songwriter For multiple writers: Format with a comma (ex: Writer 1, Writer 2)
Producer For multiple producers: Format with a comma (ex: Producer 1, Producer 2)
Genre For multiple genres: Format with a comma (ex: Genre 1, Genre 2)
Tempo Format: Choose one of the following: Very Fast, Fast, Moderate, Slow, Very Slow, Variable
Description Format: A short text description about the song's sound, lyrics or theme. (Optional).
Audio Format: a URL to audio/video of the instrumental or song preview. (ex: a Youtube video). (Optional).
Lyrics Format: a URL to the lyrics of your song. (Ex: https://textuploader.com). (Optional).